Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Strategies On How To Make Money Online

Strategies On How To Make Money Online 

One of the things in internet marketing, whether it is affiliate marketing or marketing your own product is developing a good strategy so you don't keep getting distracted by everything online.

I personally like to Surf Traffic Exchanges and  Safelists for my traffic but I also need a strategy to keep focused and not get distracted by all the offers out there.

Firstly I add my affiliate URL that I am promoting to about 20 Traffic exchanges, then I begin to surf. I place them in 20 different tabs in Google Chrome then I flick between the tabs before the timer has run out. I do that because I do not wish to waste time looking at all of the websites. Try not to get distracted.

I do not stay on the traffic exchange to view it as this is only going to waste my time.   I also have upgraded in a few at a really cheap price so as not to have to surf all of the time and still get good traffic. 

You surf to get credits. In most cases a credit is worth one visitor to your site. I would suggest that you upgrade in a few so you get faster surf timer and higher credits sometimes free accounts make you surf  2-3 surfs to get 1 credit, but if you upgrade you are often given a 1-1 ratio and a faster timer. let me give you an example. I bought a few credits from a couple of Traffic exchanges and I got around 6000 HITS to my website in one  Day. That was just from traffic exchanges. Now I averages about 1000 Hits per day because I allow my credits to be spaced out over a longer period now. Even during that time I still surfed as well to keep the credits up a bit.

 If you only wish to promote one site then you are often allowed to place your site 3 to 10 times depending on the allotted allowance of websites the Traffic exchanges let you have. This way you get greater coverage. It is often recommended that you promote MLM 
sites because people are often looking for ways to make money and this is the primary way to do in in traffic exchanges. 

I also use Safelists. You can get a lot of traffic from safelists if you do it properly. Most safelists ask for two email addresses. They are usually gmail accounts. One is called a Contact Email and the other is List Email. make sure that you DO NOT USE YOUR NORMAL EMAIL ACCOUNT FOR THIS. Because you will get literally hundreds of emails per day.  They will ask you to verify your email in both the contact email and your list emails. 
The Contact email is the most important for you to have because that is where they will send their SOLO Emails. 

A Solo Email is an email that someone has paid for and they give higher credits. to you when you click.  Remember for safelists (a credit worth one email that you can send out).

If you have never used a Safelist before it can be confusing. I know when I first started out I tried safelists, but I quickly became confused. No one explained them to me and I did not know how to place an email or know how many emails to send out at any time I gave up using them (bad move). I also did not know the difference between Contact Emails or List Emails. Stay away from list emails they will only waste your time, instead just click solo ads in your Contact Email 
In each email they send you in your Contact Email (Which remember has the Solo ads and they gives you higher credits to go through, in some cases up to 1500 credits per solo email) (as opposed to only 10 in the free ones which are in the list email).

In each email they send you their is a link that says click here for credits. What you do is click on that email and wait for it to load then move to the next email you do this fairly quickly so as to not get distracted by the emails. 

I know you are probably thinking "OK but what if everybody does that? no one would look at your site". The thing is, not everybody works to a strategy like this, and that is why Traffic Exchanges and Safelists are so good. With safelists you want to be able to email to at least 100 000 people per day. This may require you to sign up to about 50 to 60 safelists. That is for free members. If you upgrade to a few then you can send more emails and have higher credits and  therefore use less safelists. 

Some safelists let their free members send email everyday and others let you send one every 3 -7 days. This is why it is important to sign up to around 50-60 safelists. Remember if you want less to use with more credits then you need to upgrade a few.

Remember only use the contact email for the contact email section in the safelist sign up form and use the list email for the list email in the sign up form. If you want to create a new email I Would suggest that you use your personal name then the word contact then For example and for the list try using this way their is less confusion.

Here Are A list Of 20 Safelists To Get You Started 

Just Click On The Name Of the Safelist, it is a link to take you straight there. 

Remember for you to be able to send out more emails on a regular basis it is a good idea to upgrade on some of them. This will kick start your business faster. Or You Can Use A Bulk Email Submitter Just CLICK HERE

Any way that is it from me 
In the words of Spock 
Live Long And Prosper

Henry Webster


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