Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How To Make Money Online In 2012

How To Make Money Online In 2012
There are so many Blogs and articles about 'how to make money online' The Worst thing is that 90% are not worth it or are straight out scams, they supply really doubtful content, unfortunately this allows them to make money on the internet, when you end up spending a small fortune trying to figure it all out.
There are plenty of free blogs and article directories on the internet that will give you worth-while information which, so just look for them and save yourself some money.
If you are not very internet, or computer savvy; yet you want to make money online, then you are better off looking for sites that will take you by the hand and explain step by step how to do it. video courses are good for that. Articles like this one, are only good for tips not in-depth information. however if you are internet and computer savvy then this maybe all you need.

I use a very basic formula to make money online, and that is:
Product plus Promotion plus Traffic = Money
To put this system in to layman's terms it means for you to make money online you need a good product, plus effective promotion to gain traffic, and this will equal money. Every business needs to promote itself, or no one will know that they exist. Whether it is word of mouth, yellow pages, TV, radio, or the internet. However this article is going to focus on the internet, as the primary source of promotion. So to be successful affiliate marketers or internet marketers must stick to this formula.

1. The product is perhaps the most crucial key to the formula.
The biggest error that a lot of internet marketers make, as well as their affiliates, is to not pick a good quality product to promote. You will need to choose the product you are selling very carefully. It does not matter whether it is an info product, or a physical product, but you must pick well. Make sure that you pay close attention to it, and ask yourself, would you personally buy this product? see if you can choose at least 3 reasons why you would want to by it. If you can do that then you are onto a good product.
By asking yourself those three questions, you have come up with at least three, needs and benefits that you can use to promote your product, or service.

2. Promoting is the next underestimated part of the formula
To help you promote your product you will need to think of at least three main desires or 'perceived pains', and then you will need to show how your product will help them to fulfil these desires, or relieve this 'perceived pain'. This method is what you use when you place classified ads, create a sales page, websites or blog posts. it is not considered pure content, and therefore can not be used in places like articles and press release's, require pure content. Remember ads are content, but not pure content, and ads need to be used in the right place.
Blogging is a great way to promote your website. You can even use it as your primary website to sell your products. It is important that you add good quality original content on the site so you can rank well.
With Google's latest slap on peoples websites, it is even more important to have a site that is full of excellent information, that people are looking for.
Lots of bloggers place articles on a daily basis and this helps to let people know about their produce. Blogs also help to build back links back to your site.
There are many ways you can promote your site, you can blog, write articles and press releases. You can post on forums as well as write comments on blog posts, you can utilise social networks like Facebook, YouTube, or you can use online classified ads, solo ads otherwise known as other people's lists. You can choose to uses pay Per click sites as well.
You must remember that it is not a matter of promoting once on each method and then just wait for the traffic to come in, it is something you are going to have to do on a daily basis. this is how you build credibility as well as be seen as an expert in whatever product you are promoting.

3. Traffic's the next point that online marketers worry about the most.
It goes without saying that if you do not have traffic you will not make any money online. That's why it is imperative to grow your own opt in list. It has been well-known for years that the money is in the list.
The reason so many people online don't make any money at all is because they fail to get subscribers to their list. People need to trust you and see you as credible. This will help you begin to make sales online. Lists help you to a relationship with your subscribers. That is when you will be able to make a consistent income.
If you have your own email opt in list, you have the highest quality targeted traffic of all. SEO alone will not cut it any more. Google's pander algorithm update has hurt a lot of websites. And the latest one has done even more damage. It does not take much for you to, loose your page one ranking. So that is why a list is so important. Google can not take that away from you. a word of warning though. Even if you get a huge list you will still need to promote your site, because eventually lists dwindle down or people just stop looking at your email any more.

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